Advice of Charge (AoC) Calculations

Advice of Charge (AOC) enables an MS to calculate and indicate the cost of a call in home
units as a basic service. The MS is informed of the charging rate at the ‘charging point’ i.e the
point at which the charging begins. The MAS then uses its internal Chargeable Duration
(CDUR) clock to time the call from the charging point to the end of the call
By using the AoC calculations the MS is able to derive the number of home units used. Due
to the independence of the calculated value, an exact one-to-one relation with the bill cannot
be guaranteed. This discrepancy is due to the short delays in signalling between the MS and
the network, e.g. transmission of charging point and end of call signals.
On receipt of the CAI message, charging computation commences. The following describes
the process for a simple single call scenario, for either an incoming or outgoing call for the MS
in any PLMN, including HPLMN.

Advice of charge (AoC)
• Calculated by MS based on CAI supplied by network
• AoC calculated using the equation:
AoC = e3 x { e4 + e1xINT(CDUR/(e7,e2)) + e5xINT(SEG/e6) }
= scaling x {constant + time related + data related }
Where: CDUR = Chargeable DURation counter (as measured by MS)
SEG = SEGment counter (as counted by MS)

Element e4*e3 defines the number of HPLMN units to be incremented in a Current Call Meter
(CCM) on receipt of the CAI message.
On first receipt of the CAI message, timing commences immediately and MS timer CDUR is
incremented from zero, with a precision of at least 0.1 seconds. When CDUR reaches e7 i.e. a
full interval has been timed, then
e1*e3 HPLMN units are added to the CCM. The CDUR is then reset to zero to allow timing of
the next interval to commence based on CAI element e2. e7 is not used further, unless it is
updated via a new CAI message.
On expiry of the interval defined by e7; e2 is applied and timing re-commences immediately.
The MS timer CDUR is incremented from zero, with a precision of at least 0.1 seconds. When
CDUR reaches e2 i.e. a full interval has been timed, then e1*e3 HPLMN units are added to the
CCM. The CDUR is then reset to zero to allow timing of the next interval to commence, based
on e2.
On first receipt of non-zero element e6, data segment counting commences immediately and
the MS counter SEG is incremented from zero, by unity for each segment transferred. When
SEG reaches
e6 i.e. a full data interval has been counted, then e5*e3 HPLMN units are added to the CCM.
SEG is then reset to zero to allow counting of the next data interval to commence.

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