2.5 The Base Station Subsystem (BSS)

The Base Station System (BSS) is the system of base station equipments (transceivers,
controllers, etc) which is viewed by the MSC through a single A-interface as being the entity
responsible for communicating with Mobile Stations in a certain area. The radio equipment of
a BSS may support one or
more cells.

A BSS may consist of one or more base stations, where an A-bis-interface is implemented.
The BSS consists of one Base Station Controller (BSC) and one or more Base Transceiver
Station (BTS).

The Base Station Sub-System (BSS)

• The BSS comprises:

· Base Station Controller (BSC)
· One or more Base Transceiver Stations (BTSs)
• The purpose of the BTS is to:
· provide radio access to the mobile stations
· manage the radio access aspects of the system

• BTS contains:

• Radio Transmitter/Receiver (TRX)
• Signal processing and control equipment
• Antennas and feeder cables

• The BSC:

• allocates a channel for the duration of a call
• maintains the call:
• monitors quality
• controls the power transmitted by the BTS or MS
• generates a handover to another cell when required
• Siting of the BTS is crucial to the provision of
acceptable radio coverage

A Base Station Controller (BSC) is a network component in the PLMN with the functions for
control of one or more BTS.
A Base Transceiver Station (BTS) is a network component which serves one cell.
2.5 The Base Station Subsystem (BSS)
2. Architecture Overview

BSS Network Topologies

• Chain: cheap, easy to implement

• One link failure isolates several BTSs

• Ring: Redundancy gives some protection if a

link fails
• More difficult to roll-out and extend
• ring must be closed

• Star: most popular configuration for first GSM

• Expensive as each BTS has its own link
• One link failure always results in loss of BTS

Base stations are linked to the parent BSC in one of several standard network topologies. The
actual physical link may be microwave, optical fibre or cable. Planning of these links may be
done using a tool such as Connect